Legal Guides

The Legal Guide: Environmental Protection Laws In US

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environmental protection laws

The environment is sustenance. For all human beings, animals, and all life forms for that matter, the environment has been considered to be the source of life itself. Clean air, water, and green coverage have been linked to good health and long survival. 

There are a few dominant federal laws that deal with environmental protection. However, environmental protection law has its international and local sources as well. Let us now check out some of the most common sources.

A Brief List of Environmental Protection Laws.

Environmental Protection Laws A Concise List

Many environmental protection laws have been passed so far. While all of those have one common motive, which is, the protection of the environment, there are also specific spheres that each law particularly caters to. 

1. The Clean Air Act

The Clean Air Act

Did you know that the emission of harmful gases from industrial sources has been a major contributor to environmental damage? Unfortunately, the quality of our air has been declining year after year, and the concentration of suspended particulate matter has been on the rise. 

However, there is good news! The Clean Air Act, which was passed in 1970, ensures that the quality of our air is maintained. It also regulates all mobile and stationary sources of air pollutants to keep them in check. This means that the Nation Ambient Air Quality Standards are established and upheld to protect our health and the environment. 

Thanks to this Act, air quality standards are set up in every state to properly examine all healthcare risks that air pollutants can pose. Section 112 of the Clean Air Act is specifically focused on hazardous air pollutants. With this in mind, we can breathe easily knowing that measures are in place to protect our air and health.

2. The Clean Water Act

The Clean Water Act

Did you know that the Environment Protection Authority is responsible for executing a really important Act? This Act prohibits anyone, regardless of citizenship, from disposing of any waste material into the navigable water territories of the United States. How awesome is that? Not only does this Act protect our water safety and cleanliness, but it also empowers private individuals to take legal action against any pollutants that pose a threat. Let’s give a shout-out to this Act for keeping our waterways clean and beautiful!

3. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, And Liability Act

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, And Liability Act

This Act was passed by the United States Congress in the year 1980. It sets guidelines as to how waste sites, landfills, waste, and chemical spills, are to be dealt with. It also states what measures are to be taken to do the same. The Act gives responsibility to individuals or government organizations to clean up the messes and also to recover the costs from the organizations responsible for the environmental damage.

4. The Emergency Planning/Right-To-Know Act

The Emergency PlanningRight-To-Know Act

The Act was passed to provide assistance to individuals and protect their health and safety from hazardous chemicals. Under the provisions established by this Act, each state is required to set up Emergency Response Commissions. These commissions were established to provide one with information regarding hazardous chemicals that could adversely affect their health and also how to deal with emergencies regarding them.

5. The National Environmental Policy Act

The National Environmental Policy Act

The Act is one of the oldest legislations present on environmental protection. It aims to generate environmental awareness regarding any major steps taken by the federal government. The Act stipulates that one should seriously take into consideration the harmful effects that are being delivered to the environment by the felling of trees, construction of new bridges, or any other new infrastructure that is being built. 

6. The Occupational Health And Safety Act

The Occupational Health And Safety Act

It’s unfortunate that some workers are subjected to inhumane and unsanitary conditions. However, the Occupational Health and Safety Act provides a glimmer of hope by holding employers accountable for maintaining a safe work environment. The act encourages workers to speak up and assert their right to a secure workplace. Let’s stay positive and optimistic about the progress being made to ensure workplace safety for all.

7. The Resource Conservation And Recovery Act

The Resource Conservation And Recovery Act

This particular piece of federal legislation supervises the generation, treatment,  storage, transportation, as well as disposal of hazardous wastes. The provisions laid down in this Act also call for the proper disposal of nonhazardous solid wastes.

8. The Toxic Substances Control Act 

The Toxic Substances Control Act 

The purpose of this Act which was passed by the United States lays down the detailed provisions for the screening, regulation, and testing of all the chemicals that are produced in or imported into the United States. The testing process should be done before they find their way into the consumer marketplace.

The Act also stipulates the tracking of all chemicals that could pose a threat to the health or prove to be an environmental hazard is necessary. Implementation execution of cleanup procedures has been given the utmost importance when the matter includes cases of toxic material contamination. 

This Act functions as a supplement to other federal laws relating to environmental protection.

And That’s A Wrap!

Isn’t it amazing that we have laws that protect our planet and ensure that our future generations have a safe and healthy environment to live in? Environmental protection is crucial for sustainable development, which in turn promotes biodiversity and contributes to our overall well-being. We hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with valuable insights into the importance of environmental protection laws. 

Feel free to drop your thoughts and questions in the comment section below. Let’s work together towards a brighter, greener future!

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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