classic books everyone should read
Education Law

Classic Books Everyone Should Read For All Book Lovers

| December 2, 2023

As an ex-law student and a current lawyer, I know how most of us are in search of good books. Not just legal books but good, heart-warming, brain-picking classics. In this article, we look into classic books everyone should read, including my fellow legal minds.

Now, you may fear that these books will only be an extension of heavy core subjects like human trafficking laws, whistleblower laws, and education laws. However, prepare to be surprised at the wide range of themes we explore!

 An Introduction To Classic Books Everyone Should Read

An Introduction To Classic Books Everyone Should Read

Legal books hold something of a demanding reputation. We know them for being long, tedious reads. They may demand long hours of a student, bending over their back to simply grasp a concept. But, no. Not the classics, my dear reader.

Although these books find their foundation in the minute details of law, they are nothing but page-turners.

What Are The Best Classic Books Everyone Should Read, Especially Law Students?

What Are The Best Classic Books Everyone Should Read, Especially Law Students?

So let’s dive right in and take a quick look at the classic books everyone should read, even law students.

“Letters to a Law Student” by Nicholas McBride

“Letters to a Law Student” by Nicholas McBride

This is a quintessential text that every citizen should get their hands on. Letters to a Law Student is not just for a budding student at a Law school. A paralegal, a researcher, or a non-law fellow will equally enjoy this book.

Nicholas McBride, the author, was a Cambridge Fellow at Pembroke College. This beautiful book comes in a unique format. The author wrote a series of letters that are both easy to read and engaging.

Teenagers, young adults, or anyone preparing for a career in law can get their hands on this book. Be it for a Bachelor of Law degree or a JD, this book will serve you well.

Moreover, the book is a guide to any Legal aficionado. If you are at the university, you know what the courses can cover. But if you ever wonder how the legal profession is, then this classic is for you.

Personally, this book helped me understand where I wanted to study. If you are still confused about whether or not you should be studying Law, this classic will help you out.

McBride also honestly speaks about the challenges that exist in the academic fields. He gives useful tips and hints that teach you to do well in exams. Moreover, you also get to know of career alternatives with a Law degree.

“Bleak House” by Charles Dickens

“Bleak House” by Charles Dickens

In our list of classic books everyone should read and why, this is our first entry on fiction. This very special entry, the Bleak House, by author Charles Dickens is a must-read.

Did you know that before his success in his novelist career, Dickens served as a court reporter? Additionally, he drew many inspirations from his experiences in court for his career as a writer.

Bleak House boasts variety. There are a large number of subplots. Each is embezzled with multiple characters. However, the center of each narrative lies in the interesting stories and themes.

Moreover, Jarndyce versus Jarndyce is the main legal case that handles the dispute over a testament/will. Although this book is entirely fictional, Charles Dickens talked about how the case had its foundation from multiple historical precedents.

Scholars say that it is the true story of the famous lawsuit “Thellusson versus Woodford.” There, family members contested a will in the year 1797. What followed was a lengthy, bitter, and expensive court dispute. However, the dispute finally came to an end in 1859.

Therefore, in the pile of “classic books everyone should read,” we make this splendid addition. Readers hold this book to be a masterpiece that spins around fiction. Moreover, it is a top-notch addition to legal literature.

Fun Fact: Did you know that supporters used this book to support the mid-19th-century judicial reform movement?

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee

Boo Radley- Does it ring a bell?

If you haven’t already read this classic masterpiece, you have surely watched the movie! This is the second classic fiction in our “classic books everyone should read” entry. Harper Lee is the author of “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Additionally, the novel adds to one of the best American books from the 20th century. Readers adore it.

Moreover, adults and children alike express their appreciation for the book. To Kill a Mockingbird has dared to explore the sensitive themes of racial tensions in the US.  

It talks about the happenings of a fictional town in Alabama, Maycomb. It shows the trial of a black individual falsely accused of raping a white woman. Moreover, we learn about the story through the eyes of Scout, a six-year-old girl. Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, happens to be a lawyer. He represents the accused.

The novel consciously and otherwise throws light upon the ideas of justice and equality. Furthermore, we see how fairness in trial proceedings is an important part of the law.

To Conclude

With this, we reach the end of our article on classic books everyone should read. We carefully curated this list for you.

Therefore, we would appreciate it if you went through it and came back to tell us how you liked it!

Reading books, especially classics, helps us learn many things. They show us different worlds, teach us about history, and let us understand people’s feelings. Classics are special because we readers have loved them for a long time. They have important stories that can teach us about life, like how to be brave, kind, or solve problems.

Additionally, we have kept the list limited to a humble number of three books. If you, our reader, enjoyed our article truly, do let us know in the comments below! Perhaps we could do a second blog post where we talk about a couple more worthy mentions?  What say?

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Debkanya Bhattacharya
Debkanya Bhattacharya

Debkanya is a lawyer turned writer. With an experience of 3 years, she is your go-to source for all things law. She has a soft corner for the US and international section. When the weekend arrives, you'll find her reading up on politics, Austen, or travel blogs over a cup of coffee.


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