Legal Guides

Can I Get A License In Another State If My License Is Suspended?: Here’s The Ultimate Answer

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Can I get a license in another state if my license is suspended?

This is a question I have been asked several times by a group of people who have shifted to another state or are planning to go to some other state when they receive the suspension of their driving license

Whatever the reason is, if you violate the traffic rules and norms, you might end up kissing your license goodbye. In most cases, the state licensing agency suspends a driver’s license when several crimes have been committed by a single person. 

If you fail to communicate or pay fines for a traffic violation ticket by the specific deadline, your license also can get suspended. In most cases, the individual has to visit and make payment of a certain fee to a particular office for reinstating the license. 

If you are moving to another state, and your license is still suspended, and you want to get a license in another state, some complications and difficulties might arise. In some states, if you already have a lens in the previous state, your license has to be invalid for getting a new license in the current state; on the other hand, some states do not have any criteria like this. 

Can I Get A License In Another State If My License Is Suspended?

As I have already mentioned, different states have different criteria when it comes to suspended licenses. So, when you are thinking, “can I get license in another state if suspended?” you have to consider the state where you are going to apply for getting a new license. 

1. Suspension And Insurance

There are also some particular states where provisions are attached to driving privileges while combining the procedures along with insurance. In those specific situations where a person already has multiple tickets or contains a suspended license, an SR-22 is always needed. 

This is a special certification by the insurance policy of the driver. This type of certification automatically increases the certification cost to a higher level during the time when the verification is in effect. 

A number of insurance companies often need a minimum of 6 months of this verification certificate, which is attached to the insurance policy of the driver. However, in case of the license suspension is already resolved, these insurance companies will take the essential six months for verification. 

On the other hand, you also need to be prepared for a longer time, as some companies tend to take more time on any kind of traffic violations that you have committed in the past days. 

2. Driver’s License Suspended And Stipulations

As a result of the procedure and costs, a number of drivers skip the suspension as it is on their license for a long period. They usually think that applying for a new license in another state will resolve their issue. 

A number of states do not let a driver’s license despite the fact that the person possesses a number of licenses in other states. When you are going to some other state while your driving license is already suspended or going through a process, and you are applying for a new driving license in another state, you will not get the license. 

As you already have a record of traffic violation and license suspension, the other state will not allow you to get the license. However, in some states, additional penalties are required, along with a mandatory prison or jail. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

I understand everything related to law is a bit confusing. Though I have tried hard to keep everything as simple as possible when helping you with the answer to, can I get a license in another state if my license is suspended?

I also understand that you might have some additional queries or want some definite answers to some specific questions. So, here, I have accumulated some common questions and answered them for your reference. 

In case you have further doubt, let me know. I always try to come up with a solution as soon as possible. If you have additional information, you can share them; the readers will love to read them through. 

Q1: How Do You Get Around A Suspended License?

In order to get a hardship license, often, the motorist has to prove to the country, and for the following things, he or she needs the license. 

  • Maintain employment.
  • Obtain emergency medical care.
  • Attend drug or alcohol treatment.
  • Get kids to school or get to school. 
  • Complete some other important tasks. 

Q2: Can I Get A Georgia Driver’s License If My License Is Suspended In Another State?

The official website of Georgia clearly states that if someone’s license is suspended in any other state, the person can not get a driving license here. In case your pending suspension is not finalized yet, or it is related to a non-driving offense, like failure to pay for the child support, DLC will not count that. 

Q3:  Can I Get A Driver’s License In Tennessee If My License Is Suspended In Florida?

Every state now has become part of the National Drivers Registry. And as per the National Drivers Registry, in case your license is suspended or revoked in one state, you will not get another license in any other state. 

Final Verdict

So, from the above discussion. I hope you have already understood the consequences of a suspended driver’s license. You also get the answer to the question, Can I get a license in another state if my license is suspended? and the answer is no. As per the national law, you will not be able to possess another license when you already have a suspension issue of a driving license in one state.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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