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New York Attorney General Sues Anti-Abortion Group

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New York Attorney General Sues Anti-Abortion Group

On Thursday, the 8th of June, 2023, Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York, fired a lawsuit against a rampant anti-abortion organisation. The case was filed in the United States District Court of the southern district of New York. The lawsuit stated that the plaintiffs of the case sought to end the defendants’ illegal conduct and criminal trespass. 

The defendant had allegedly been barricading the entrances to various abortion clinics in New York. This was done in an attempt to block safe and easy access to abortion services.

In the lawsuit, the plaintiff seeks to ban this group and all other anti-abortion activists from coming within 30 feet of any abortion clinic in the USA.

The organization in question is called Red Rose Rescue. Its members often barge into abortion clinics and try to persuade women to undergo abortions. They often present these women with red roses and ask them not to undergo the procedure. The anti-abortion activists of the Red Rose Rescue have delivered a statement to the press on this issue. They claim that the attorney general of New York, Letitia James is “committed to legalizing killing of the innocent.” 

Red Rose has accused Letitia James of trying to stop Pro-life activity and free speech. 

Monica Migliorino Miller is the current leader of this pro-life group. She claims that all members of the organization are peaceful, quiet, and loving.

The Attorney General, James, said that these disruptive attempts have led to numerous women missing their appointments or getting delayed. Red Rose Rescue has been terrorizing women in need of reproductive health care. On multiple accounts, pro-choice groups have held that what women choose to do with their bodies is their choice. 

Pro-choice groups have often called the attitude displayed by pro-life groups to be anti-choice and bigoted.

Lately, with the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the political scenario in the United States regarding access to safe abortions and reproductive healthcare has been tumultuous, to say the least. There have been reports of members of anti-abortion groups posing as patients and infiltrating the clinics. They even went on to barricade the entrance of an abortion clinic. 

Members of the Red Rose Rescue have also continued their efforts despite being jailed, sued, and stopped by authorities on multiple occasions. This lawsuit, therefore, seemed necessary to stop these arbitrary efforts by the anti-abortion groups. 

Anti-abortion laws have been implemented in multiple states of the US. There have also been multiple protests against free access to other methods of birth control. These protestors claim that even a fetus, zygote, or embryo is a person and therefore has the right to live. 

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Jyoti Jha is a freelance SEO content writer for tech , health, and education-related content. With 5 years of experience in the industry, I am creating high-quality content that captivates readers and delivers value.

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