legal name change in Florida
Legal Guides

The Process Of Legal Name Change In Florida

| December 11, 2023

No matter what reason, changing your legal name is a whole process that can have various pitfalls. Failing to get your signature notarized or not having the correct forms with you can lead to unnecessary expenses in your name-changing process. 

In this article, we will be providing you with all kinds of information for the purpose of easing your ability to legally change your name in the state of Florida. 

Changing your legal name in Florida is like giving yourself a fresh start, and it’s a pretty straightforward process. Whether you’re getting married, divorced, or just want a new name, here’s how you can make it happen:

Step 1: Prepare the Necessary Documents

Before you start dancing with your new name, you’ll need some paperwork. Here’s what you’ll need:

Petition for Change of Name: You’ll have to fill out a petition form. You can get this form from your local circuit court clerk’s office or online.

Fingerprint Card: You’ll need to get your fingerprints taken. Many local law enforcement agencies provide this service for a small fee.

Step 2: File the Petition

Take your completed petition and fingerprint card to the clerk’s office in the county where you live. There, you’ll need to:

Pay a filing fee (varies by county, so check with your local clerk’s office).

Get a date for your hearing. The court will schedule a hearing to make sure you’re not changing your name for any shady reasons.

Step 3: Background Check

Once you’ve filed your petition, you’ll need to wait for a bit. During this time, the court will perform a background check to ensure you don’t have a criminal history that might make a name change problematic.

Step 4: Attend the Hearing

Now comes the nerve-wracking part – the hearing. But don’t worry, it’s usually pretty straightforward. Just remember:

Dress nicely, be polite, and show up on time.

Explain your reasons for the name change to the judge.

Answer any questions the judge might have.

Step 5: Get the Order

If all goes well (and it usually does), the judge will issue an order approving your name change. Congratulations! You’re almost there.

Step 6: Update Your Records

Now that you have your shiny new name, it’s time to update all your official records. This includes your Social Security card, driver’s license, passport, and any other important documents.

Start with the Social Security Administration. You’ll need to fill out an application for a new Social Security card and provide proof of your identity and U.S. citizenship.

Then, head over to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) to update your driver’s license or ID card.

Don’t forget to update your passport if you have one.

Notify your bank, employer, and anyone else who has your old name on file.

And there you have it! Changing your legal name in Florida may take a bit of paperwork and patience, but it’s definitely doable. So go ahead, embrace your new name, and start this exciting new chapter of your life!

Ah! The legal age to change your name in the sunny state of Florida. It’s like embarking on a journey of self-reinvention, and it’s quite a breeze. 

So, how old do you need to be to take the name-changing plunge into the land of oranges and palm trees? Well, in Florida, you can change your name at the ripe age of 18. That’s right, once you hit that magic number, you can bid farewell to your old moniker and say hello to your new identity. 

But what if you’re younger than 18 and have dreams of being known by a different name? No worries! If you are under 18, you can still change your name, but you’ll need a little legal help. You’ll have to get your parents or guardians involved. They’ll have to file the name change petition on your behalf, and a judge will review your request to make sure it’s in your best interest. 

Now, keep in mind that changing your name is a bit like starting a new chapter in your life’s book. It might take a little paperwork, a court hearing, and some updating of your official documents, but it’s all part of the journey to becoming the “you” you want to be. 

So, whether you’re 18 and ready to make the change on your own or younger and getting a helping hand from your guardians, Florida’s got you covered when it comes to switching up your name. Just remember to choose wisely because it’s a name you’ll be carrying with you on all your adventures!

How Can I Get Proof Of Name Change In Florida?

Well, howdy, fellow name-changer! So, you’ve gone through the exciting process of changing your name in Florida, and now you’re itching for some rock-solid proof of your fabulous new identity? You’re in the right place. Grab a seat, and let’s walk through this step-by-step:

Step 1: The Court Order – Your Golden Ticket

The holy grail of name-change proof in Florida is the court order. This is the document that officially says, “Hey, the name change is a go!” It’s like your backstage pass to the name-change concert.

Remember that “Petition for Change of Name” form you filled out, the one with all your name-change wishes and dreams? Well, once the judge approves your request at your court hearing, they’ll sign off on your name change order. This is the document you want.

Step 2: Get Copies of Your Court Order

Now that you have your precious court order, you’ll want to make copies. Seriously, don’t skimp on this step. Make enough copies to share with the world (well, not the whole world, but you get the idea).

Step 3: Update Your Official Documents

With your copies in hand, it’s time to embark on the grand tour of updating your official documents. Start with the Social Security Administration:

Social Security Card: You’ll need to fill out an application for a new Social Security card and provide proof of your identity and U.S. citizenship. They’ll update your records with your new name.

Driver’s License or ID Card: Off to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) you go. Bring your court order, and they’ll update your driver’s license or ID card with your fresh name.

Passport: If you have one, don’t forget to update your passport. Visit the U.S. Department of State’s website to learn how to do this.

Step 4: Inform the World

Now, let your important peeps know about your name change. Alert your bank, employer, school, and anyone else who needs to update their records.

And that’s it! You’ve got yourself some bona fide proof of your name change in the beautiful state of Florida. It might involve a bit of paperwork wrangling, but hey, that’s all part of the adventure of embracing your new name. Go forth and rock that fresh moniker with pride! 

Final Thoughts

Now you have a better idea regarding the steps you are required to follow to legally change your name in Florida. By following the above-given steps, you can easily change your legal name in this state without any errors or waste of time. 

I hope you have found this article informative and helpful and do show your reason behind changing your name in the state of Florida. 

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Debkanya Bhattacharya
Debkanya Bhattacharya

Debkanya is a lawyer turned writer. With an experience of 3 years, she is your go-to source for all things law. She has a soft corner for the US and international section. When the weekend arrives, you'll find her reading up on politics, Austen, or travel blogs over a cup of coffee.


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